year we received a record number of submissions - 40 in all, including
one joint submission; so we heard from 41 LEAs. This is attributable
to a substantial increase in the number of entries from English
LEAs and represents hard evidence that the Music Standards Fund
is having a wholly positive effect on levels of provision. Indeed
it is many years since we saw so many vital, upbeat submissions.
is one particular feature that we are very pleased to identify
and applaud. We ourselves, in the past, have praised many innovative
projects; the difference now is that so many such projects are
being incorporated into longer-lasting curriculum support.
were pleased to see so much evidence of music services broadening
out into an ever-increasing percentage of the school population
and ensuring that the full range of young people's musical interests
are supported and developed.
always, we pay tribute to the heads of music services, advisers,
classroom teachers, instrumental teachers, pupils, students and
parents; heads and governors who in their various ways can and
do make a difference; and composers and professional musicians
too, who, increasingly, inspire and enthuse young people in and
out of school.

warm thanks of the National Music Council go to all the Authorities
mentioned in this report. And the Council's congratulations go to
all the Diploma winners and especially to the Major Trophy winners,
Brighton and Hove.
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[ Photographs by courtesy of Brighton and Hove Music Service ]